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Launch Your Work From Business in LESS THAN 2 Weeks

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment INCLUDING SUPPORT ($497.00)$497.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay including support (3x $175.00)3x $175.00
  • Preferred option
    SELF STUDY ONLY ($297.00)$297.00

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  • Do I need a website to get started?
    This is the NUMBER ONE question I have been getting since I started the PINternship.

    The answer is NO. You can start your Pinterest Strategist business without a website. While websites have a place in an online business, I don't think spending time and money on a website from the start is wise. You need a service to offer and people to serve - neither of those requires a website.

    This is why in the PINternship I teach you how to build your business without spending weeks or months trying to get pretty colors, a logo, and a website before you start making money.
  • My life feels chaotic - kids, working full time, or just doubting in my ability to DO this....Can I really do this?!
    I feel ya! Many of the ladies in the PINternship are working with kids at home, some have a full-time jobs still.

    That's where my quick, action steps given in the PinVA Accelerator come in SO handy. You can spend the next few weeks learning the skill set you need to provide high-quality Pinterest services AND networking to make real connections with people to help you grow your business, even in the current circumstances.

    You get daily, actionable steps to hold you accountable for growing your business in a few minutes DAILY.
  • How long will it take me to get through the materials to be able to go find clients and start getting a return on the investment?
    The program is created to guide you to start your business from scratch in 6 weeks!

    The training materials can be completed really quickly since they are short and to the point. Maybe 3 hours total of videos, if that. Most of which you watch and then can go back to for reference once you get in and are actually doing the work.

    So you can be ready to launch and get clients in as little as 6 weeks!

    Think about this numbers-wise...

    Let's say you invest in the PinVA Accelerator, let's call it $400 for easy numbers...

    If you put in the effort and get a retainer client at $400 a month for 6 months (this is a LOW rate, too), that's $2400.

    Take out the $400 investment and you have still earned $2000. That's only the beginning though, you will get more than 1 client.
  • You've tried other training programs and worry this will be more money down the drain.
    Unlike a course that teaches you how to start your VA business - and then leaves you hanging when you need personalized help - PinVA Accerlator holds your hand while you create this unique service offering for your clients.

    In other words: instead of just dumping a formula into your lap, you will learn the skills you need to help you provide the most high-quality service for your clients.
  • Do I ONLY have access to the content for the 6 weeks?
    NO, you have ongoing access to the content for reference as needed.

Learn how to launch your work-from-home business with a specialized skillset instead of hustling hourly from home

How to start your brand new business quickly, no fluff to keep you spinning your wheels 

 How to be a lead generation secret weapon for your clients so they never want to lose you and your services 

 How to leverage Pinterest to drive a ton of traffic to your clients and work smarter by not being a Jack (or Jill) of all trades 

 How to market your services to premium clients and stop messing with people who don’t appreciate your genius The EXACT steps to take to cut the confusion and only focus on money-making activities like finding clients

  • Total payment
  • 1xPinVA Accelerator$0

All prices in USD


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All recommendations are the opinion of the product creator. Results are not guaranteed.
All case studies are only examples and the results are specific to the website featured.